These are the times foretold in Bible, in ancient holy texts from all religions.
These are times of great darkness and times of great illuminating Light.
Keep your focus on the Light.
Be aware of the darkness, vigilant in face of danger.
But always focus on the Light.
The greatest tool has been given you, the FIRE.
The power to heal, to cleanse and purify air, water, soil—
all this in simple Agnihotra.
Now more than ever, refuse to be drawn into conflict, fear or anxiety.
Always, in light of the fire, solutions will be found.

Every thought is known, expressed or not expressed.
Every call is heard.
Never at any time are you to feel alone.
Once the hand is held, it is always so.
Walk in Light.
Be unburdened.
All Our love and blessings always be with you.